The Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody Cases in Arizona

The Importance of Addressing Domestic Violence in Child Custody Cases: An Investigative Article

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue throughout the United States, affecting individuals of all races, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It has far-reaching consequences, ranging from physical and emotional harm to long-term psychological trauma for those involved. Additionally, it can have a profound impact on child custody cases, affecting the decisions made by family courts regarding the safety and well-being of children.

The Reality of Domestic Violence and Child Custody

In Arizona, as well as many other states, family courts prioritize the best interests of the child when making decisions regarding child custody arrangements. However, cases involving domestic violence can be more complicated, as they require consideration of both the immediate safety of the child and their long-term well-being.

According to a recent report by the Center for Judicial Excellence, there have been numerous cases across the country where courts have awarded custody or unsupervised visitation to abusive parents. In many of these cases, the abusive parent was also the primary financial provider for the family, and the victim parent was often discredited or blamed for the abuse.

How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody Decisions

Domestic violence allegations can significantly impact child custody decisions. In Arizona, any history of domestic violence must be considered when making decisions regarding child custody arrangements. Family courts will typically conduct a detailed investigation, which may include interviewing witnesses, reviewing medical records, and assessing the child's preferences.

While courts generally aim to maintain a child's relationships with both parents, this can be challenging when there is a history of domestic violence. In some cases, courts may require supervised visitation or prohibit contact between a parent and child altogether.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Those involved in child custody cases that involve domestic violence should seek legal representation. An experienced family law attorney can help clients protect their rights and ensure that their children's best interests are prioritized. They can provide guidance on how to document instances of abuse and ensure that this evidence is submitted to the court in a compelling manner.

Additionally, an attorney can help individuals navigate the complexities of the legal system, which can be particularly challenging when there are allegations of abuse or neglect. They can also provide support and guidance throughout the entire legal process, ensuring that clients feel heard, supported, and confident in their legal representation.

The Impact on Children

Children who experience domestic violence may suffer from lasting emotional trauma. They may experience anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children who witness violence in the home may also have difficulty forming healthy relationships, as they may struggle with trust, attachment, and self-esteem issues.

Furthermore, children who are exposed to domestic violence may also be at increased risk for experiencing abuse themselves. This is why it is essential that family courts prioritize the safety of the child and ensure that they are not exposed to any further harm.

The Importance of Holding Abusers Accountable

Addressing domestic violence in child custody cases not only supports victims and protects children but may also serve to hold abusers accountable for their actions. When courts prioritize the best interests of the child, they are sending a message that domestic violence will not be tolerated and that abusers will be held responsible for their actions.


Domestic violence has no place in child custody cases. It is crucial that family courts prioritize the safety and well-being of children, even if it means disrupting existing relationships between parent and child. Legal representation is essential for those involved in child custody cases with a history of domestic violence, as it can provide support, guidance, and ensure that their rights are protected. Addressing domestic violence in child custody cases not only protects victims and their children but may also serve to hold abusers accountable.

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence in a child custody case, contact De Novo Law today to protect your rights and prioritize your child's well-being: domestic violence in child custody cases.


Remarriage and Spousal Support: Implications You Need to Know

Opinion Article: How Remarriage Affects Spousal Support

The True Cost of Remarriage and Spousal Support

Despite the often positive connotation surrounding remarriage, the topic, when it comes to spousal support, can leave a lot to be desired. After all, while second marriages can be a way for individuals to find love and companionship after a divorce, the act of remarriage can also have significant financial implications for both ex-spouses – particularly when it comes to spousal support.

The Uneven Effects of Remarriage on Ex-spouses

Many states, including Arizona, allow for spousal support to be discontinued or reduced if the receiving spouse gets remarried. At first glance, this may seem like a reasonable stance: if an individual gets remarried, they should no longer need financial support from their ex-spouse. However, this black-and-white viewpoint doesn't always take into account the uneven effects of remarriage on both ex-spouses. For instance, while the receiving spouse may no longer need spousal support due to their own financial stability, their ex-spouse may then have to pay additional alimony to their new spouse. This can place a financial burden on the paying spouse and, depending on the situation, may not be an equitable outcome.

Where the System Falls Short

The idea of discontinuing spousal support after remarriage also falls short when one considers the precariousness of financial stability. For instance, a remarriage does not always guarantee that an individual's financial situation will dramatically improve. Likewise, spousal support may not be enough to sustain an individual's needs even if they don't remarry. As such, relying on remarriage as a cut-off point for spousal support can be shortsighted and may allow for precarious financial situations as time progresses.

Navigating the System

Given the uneven effects of remarriage on spousal support payments, navigating the system can be difficult. In many cases, people may need to rely on getting a modification of their support order in order to accommodate these types of circumstances. Working with an experienced family law attorney can be essential to understanding both your rights and your options, as well as to ensure that you're able to make informed decisions for your situation.

A Word of Caution to the Remarried

If you're a recipient of spousal support and you're considering remarriage, it's important to understand the financial implications that remarriage can have on your situation. While getting remarried can be a great way to start anew, it can also have lasting financial implications that may make ending your previous spousal support a poor financial decision. Additionally, if you're the payer of spousal support and you plan to remarry, you'll need to factor the additional costs of providing for a new household when considering your financial obligations.

The Bottom Line

Remarriage can have significant financial implications when it comes to spousal support. With the possibility of reduced support for recipients and potential financial burdens for payers, it's important to understand how the system works and how to properly navigate it. By working with an experienced attorney and understanding your options, you can make informed decisions that will help alleviate potential financial strain and provide peace of mind.

Remarriage and Spousal Support - A Complicated Conundrum

It's no secret that remarriage and spousal support can be a complicated issue – one that doesn't necessarily have black-and-white answers. With the potential for significant financial implications for both parties, it's important to carefully consider your options and work with an attorney who can help you better understand your situation. Ultimately, remarrying after divorce can be a great way to start anew – but it's essential to do so with your eyes wide open and with an understanding of the potential financial implications. remarriage affect spousal support

DUI and Underage Drinking at Salt River: Understanding the Laws and Enforcement Practices

Feature Article: Understanding the Consequences of DUI and Underage Drinking at Salt River

During the sweltering Arizona summer, the Salt River is a popular spot for outdoor recreational activities like kayaking, swimming, and tubing. As the water cools you off, it can be tempting to bring a few drinks to enjoy while you're on the river. However, drinking and driving don't mix - especially when it comes to negative outcomes such as severe legal consequences.

The Law in Arizona and Salt River

Arizona is known for having strict laws and harsh penalties for DUI. The consequences of a DUI charge can range from a suspended license and fines to potential jail time for serious offenses. As Salt River is a popular spot for outdoor recreational activities, the increased risk of DUI offenses means that authorities are highly vigilant. Special patrols and DUI checkpoints are often set up in and around Salt River to prevent alcohol-related incidents, particularly during peak seasons when the crowds are at their largest.

Understanding the Types of DUI Charges

Standard DUI is the most common charge in Arizona. You will be charged with Standard DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or above within two hours of operating a vehicle. However, you can also be charged with DUI if there are drugs present in your system. You will face harsher legal consequences for an aggravated DUI charge if you have prior DUI convictions, a minor under the age of 15 in the vehicle, a restricted or suspended license, or a BAC of .15% or higher.

Penalties for DUI and Underage Drinking at Salt River

Being convicted of a DUI charge can have severe consequences, such as fines, jail time, probation, and a suspended license. For individuals under 21 years of age found with alcohol in their system while driving, the penalties are equally severe. A first offense can lead to a 2-year license suspension, community service, mandatory alcohol education classes, and the possibility of a criminal record. Subsequent offenses generally result in even harsher consequences.

The Importance of Responsible Drinking and Planning Ahead

Drinking while boating or tubing can be just as dangerous and carries just as many liabilities as drinking while driving. Alcohol can quickly impair your judgment and physical abilities, leading to accidents and even drowning. To avoid the serious consequences of driving under the influence or underage drinking, it's critical to take the necessary precautions before joining in on the fun at Salt River. By designating a sober driver or using a designated driver service like Uber or Lyft, making transportation plans, definitely not drinking underage.

Legal Representation for DUI and Underage Drinking at Salt River

If you or someone you know has been charged with a DUI related to Salt River, it's important to seek representation from experienced professionals who can guide you through the process. The legal team at Cates & Garvey Law Group has extensive experience defending DUI and other criminal charges related to Salt River. Our team of experienced professionals understands the ins and outs of the legal system and can help navigate the court process.

Take the Right Steps to Protect Your Future

Enjoy your time at Salt River responsibly and avoid any negative consequences. Be aware of the risks associated with drinking and driving, and always make transportation plans that don't involve you being behind the wheel. With the help of experienced legal representation, you can make the right choices and protect your future when faced with DUI or underage drinking charges.

DUI,Underage Drinking at Salt River

Understanding Bribery of a Public Servant Under ARS 13-2602 in Arizona

Opinion Article: Why Bribery of a Public Servant is a Serious Offense

Bribery of a public servant is a grave offense that poses a threat to the integrity of the government and the trust citizens place in their elected representatives. This article aims to shed a light on the various aspects of Arizona Revised Statute 13-2602 and discuss why it is essential to enforce strict laws and penalties against those who violate them.

Understanding Arizona Revised Statute 13-2602

Arizona Revised Statute 13-2602 defines bribery of a public servant as the act of "offering, conferring or agreeing to confer any benefit upon a public servant with the intent to influence the public servant's vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion or other action in his official capacity."

As per the statute, a public servant can be defined as any elected official, officer, employee, or agent of the government who performs any official duty. The statute also covers "party officers," individuals who hold a position in any political party that is registered with the Arizona Secretary of State.

Who is Considered a Public Servant or Party Officer?

Arizona Revised Statute 13-2602 lists several individuals who are considered public servants and party officers. Public servants include elected officials and appointed officers such as judges, attorneys, and law enforcement officials. Government employees, educators, and healthcare providers who provide services to the public are also covered under this statute.

Party officers include the chair, co-chair, treasurer, and secretary of a state-recognized political party. The officers and employees of a state-recognized political committee or candidate campaign are also covered under this statute.

What Actions Could Be Considered Bribery?

Any act of offering, conferring, or agreeing to confer any benefit upon a public servant with the intent to influence their action in their official capacity could be deemed as bribery under this statute. This includes offering money, gifts, or any other form of compensation in exchange for political influence or preferential treatment.

What is Commercial Bribery?

Commercial bribery refers to the act of giving or receiving a bribe to influence a commercial transaction. This encompasses a wide range of scenarios where a person may offer a benefit to another individual to gain an unfair advantage in commerce or business dealings.

Can Bribery Be a Federal Offense?

Yes, bribery can be a federal offense if it involves a federal public servant or is connected to interstate commerce. Federal bribery offenses are taken very seriously, and individuals who violate these laws could face significant fines and imprisonment.

Frequently Asked Questions: Bribery Charges

1. What is the punishment for bribery of a public servant in Arizona?

The punishment for bribery of a public servant in Arizona varies depending upon the specific charges and the severity of the offense. It can range from a Class 4 felony to a Class 2 felony and may include imprisonment, fines, and community service.

2. Who can be charged with bribery of a public servant?

Anyone who offers, confers, or agrees to confer any benefit upon a public servant or party officer with the intent to influence their action in their official capacity can be charged with bribery of a public servant.

3. What should I do if I have been charged with bribery of a public servant?

If you have been charged with bribery of a public servant, it is crucial to seek legal representation immediately. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand your rights and fight to protect your freedoms and interests.

Contact a Federal Defense Attorney from Kolsrud Law

If you or someone you know has been charged with bribery of a public servant or any other criminal offense, it is best to consult an expert attorney right away. The attorneys at Kolsrud Law Offices have extensive experience in federal criminal defense cases and can help you navigate complex criminal charges with confidence and expertise. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Bribery,ARS-Bribery of a Public Servant Under ARS 13-2602


Understanding Arizona Embezzlement Penalties | Federal Defense Attorney in Phoenix

Investigative Article: Analyzing Arizona Embezzlement Penalties

Embezzlement is a white-collar crime that is on the rise in Arizona, as many people continue to face embezzlement charges. In a state where the penalties for such a crime are severe, it is essential to understand what embezzlement is, what it entails, and the critical elements involved. This article delves into the topic of embezzlement, particularly Arizona embezzlement penalties, to help readers gain a better understanding of the white-collar crime.

What is Embezzlement?

Embezzlement is the act of stealing property or funds that have been entrusted to an individual by their employer or someone else. Essentially, embezzlement involves taking the property that belongs to another person and using it for oneself, or for another purpose that is not authorized. Embezzlement can involve various forms of property, such as money, equipment, or merchandise. It can also occur in different settings, including social organizations, businesses, and government agencies.

What Does Position of Trust Mean?

The position of trust refers to the type of access or trust a person has with the party who owns the property. The legal definition of a position of trust varies from one state to another. However, generally, it implies a professional or confidential relationship established between two parties, which grants one of them control or access to the other's property. For embezzlement to occur, the defendant must have been in a position of trust or authority, such as an officer, partner, employee, or agent when the crime was committed.

Common Examples of Embezzlement

Embezzlement can occur in various contexts and industries, as long as a position of trust exists, making it difficult to pinpoint a specific type of embezzlement. Here are some common examples:

  • Employee theft: This occurs when an employee steals money or merchandise from their employer.
  • Financial advisor embezzlement: It happens when a financial advisor steals funds from their clients or investors.
  • Loan fraud: This occurs when loan officers falsify loan applications and allocate the money for personal use.
  • Ponzi schemes: This is when investors are deceived into investing money, and the funds are used for the benefit of the promoter rather than the investors.

Misdemeanor Embezzlement Vs. Felony Embezzlement

Embezzlement can either be a misdemeanor or a felony offense, depending on the value of the property that was stolen. If the property value is less than $1,000, the crime is considered a misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. On the other hand, if the amount is over $1,000, the crime becomes a felony and carries severe Arizona embezzlement penalties, such as a prison sentence of up to two years and a $150,000 fine. Repeat offenders or those with prior felony convictions can face harsher penalties such as a prison sentence of up to 12 years and a fine of $150,000.

What are Embezzlement Penalties?

The Arizona Penal Code outlines the various embezzlement penalties that one can face. In addition to the prison sentence and the fine, an individual convicted of embezzlement could also face court-ordered restitution, probation, community service, and the loss of certain civil rights. One of the most severe Arizona embezzlement penalties is the potential lifetime criminal record, which can significantly impact an individual's professional and personal life.

What Potential Defense Strategies Can Be Used?

Several defense strategies can be used in embezzlement cases, such as arguing that the defendant had no intention to steal the property or that the defendant did not know the property was not theirs. Another common tactic is to challenge the credibility of the prosecution's evidence or witnesses. A defendant can also claim mistaken identity or offer an alibi to disprove their involvement in the crime.


While embezzlement may seem like a lucrative way to make quick money, the Arizona embezzlement penalties are far too harsh, and those convicted of the crime face severe criminal punishment. It's essential to understand the nature of the crime, the elements involved, and the potential legal consequences. Anyone facing embezzlement charges should hire an experienced Arizona criminal defense attorney who can help build a strong defense and potentially reduce or dismiss the charges.

For more information on Arizona Embezzlement Penalties in Phoenix, visit Kolsrud Law Offices.


Navigating Custody Orders and Contempt When Children Refuse Visitation

Investigative Article

The Complexities of Navigating Custody Orders When a Child Refuses Visitation with a Parent

When a child refuses to visit one parent under the existing custody agreement, it creates a complicated and emotionally charged situation for all involved. Not only can this refusal strain the co-parenting relationship, but it can also lead to legal complications if not handled appropriately. In Arizona, understanding the legal obligations and potential remedies available for parents dealing with this issue is crucial.

A Relatable Experience

It's not uncommon for children to experience resistance towards visitation with a non-custodial parent. Such was the case for a mother of an eight-year-old boy who suddenly started refusing to spend time with his father after several years of weekly visits. The mother, though understanding of her child's feelings, was fearful of violating their existing custody agreement and sought guidance from a family lawyer.

Through careful planning and strategic communication with the father, a mutually agreeable solution was eventually reached. However, this experience highlighted the complexities that come with navigating custody orders when a child refuses visitation with a parent.

The Arizona Law

In Arizona, family law governs issues related to children and marriage. As such, custody agreements, visitation orders and parenting plans are all subject to Arizona law.

If a child refuses visitation with a parent, the other parent cannot unilaterally modify or terminate the existing court order or parenting plan. This is because the court orders are legally binding on both the parents and must be followed. Failure to follow the court order can result in legal enforcement, including fines, community service or even jail time.

The Obligation of Both Parents

Under Arizona law, the custodial parent is obligated to ensure that the child follows the visitation schedule as outlined in the court order. Conversely, the non-custodial parent has the right to spend time with their child, unless there are court-ordered restrictions in place, especially if the refusal is based on wrong and harmful accusations.

If a child refuses visitation with a parent, the custodial parent must show evidence of their attempts to encourage and facilitate the visitation. Furthermore, they must demonstrate that they are not intentionally interfering with the other parent's time with their child. In such cases, the courts may order supervised visitation, modification in the existing visitation order, or a change in custody, particularly if the child is in danger or is being emotionally abused.

Mediation as a Strategy

Mediation, an informal and confidential process that encourages open communication and cooperation, can also be utilized in cases of child custody. Mediation has the potential to foster healthy dialogue and help parents come to an agreement that works in the best interests of their child.

If a child is resisting visitation, mediation can be used to identify the underlying issues, such as schoolwork overload, extracurricular or sleep deprivation that may be contributing to the child's behavior. This can lead to positive changes that benefit the child's mental health and well-being. Mediation can also be used to adjust the existing agreement, clarify ambiguous language, or propose new changes that ultimately lead to a more stable and cooperative co-parenting relationship.

The Importance of a Family Lawyer

Of course, navigating the complexities of custody orders and visitation when faced with a child's refusal can be overwhelming. Parents may have questions regarding the legal obligations, the mediation process, or the potential legal remedies available to them. Consulting with a family lawyer who specializes in custody cases can help ease the burden.

An experienced family lawyer can provide invaluable guidance through the legal process, create a strategic plan, and represent the interests of the parent and child in court. They can also help in negotiating mutually agreeable solutions, facilitating communication with the other parent, or representing the client in mediation sessions.

Lifting the Weight

The emotional weight of navigating custody orders can be daunting, especially in situations where a child resists visitation with a parent. Nevertheless, it's essential to take the appropriate legal action if necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the child and to maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Understanding the legal obligations and available remedies in Arizona, the importance of seeking guidance from a family lawyer, and using mediation as a tool can all help ease this burden and lead to a more positive outcome for all involved.

Navigating Custody Orders and Contempt When Children Refuse Visitation With a Parent-


Arizona's Felony DUI Law with Minor in the Car (ARS 28-1383) Explained

Investigative Article

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense no matter where you are in the world. In Arizona, the consequences of DUI are even more severe, especially if you are caught driving with a minor in the car. Arizona takes DUI very seriously and cases involving driving with minors while under the influence are charged as felony DUI cases.

How Does Arizona Define Aggravated DUI Charges?

In Arizona, there are several factors that can turn a regular DUI charge into an aggravated DUI charge. One of these factors is if a minor was present in the vehicle at the time of the DUI offense. Additionally, if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is higher than .08, you can also face an aggravated DUI charge.

How Does Arizona Penalize DUI's Involving Minor Children?

If you are charged with a DUI involving a minor in Arizona, you will be charged with a felony. The consequences for a felony DUI charge in Arizona include a minimum of four months in prison and a fine of at least $750. The penalties for a felony DUI are much harsher than those for a regular DUI. If you are a first-time offender, you can also face a mandatory ignition interlock installation.

Are There Related Offenses I Can Be Charged With?

In addition to a felony DUI charge, there are other related offenses you can be charged with if you are caught driving under the influence with a minor in the car. These offenses include child abuse, reckless endangerment, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. These charges can result in even harsher penalties than a felony DUI, so it is important to hire a skilled defense attorney to help you navigate your case.

Defenses to a Felony DUI with a Minor in the Car

If you are charged with a felony DUI involving a minor in Arizona, there are several defenses that may be available to you. One defense is to challenge the validity of the traffic stop or the arrest. If law enforcement did not have a valid reason to pull you over or arrest you, the charges against you may be dropped. Another defense is to challenge the breathalyzer or blood test results. If the results were inaccurate or improperly administered, they may be inadmissible in court.

What Should You Do If You Are Charged with a Felony DUI with a Minor in the Car?

If you have been charged with a felony DUI involving a minor in Arizona, it is crucial to hire an experienced defense attorney. A skilled attorney will be able to investigate your case thoroughly and determine the best defense strategy for your specific situation. They can also work with the prosecutor to negotiate a plea agreement that may reduce your charges or penalties. Additionally, a defense attorney can help you navigate the court system and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.


Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense, and driving with a minor in the car exacerbates the gravity of the situation. In Arizona, the state takes a hard stance on DUI offenses with minors involved, and you can face felony charges, which have harsh penalties. If you are charged with DUI with a minor in the car, it is important to seek the guidance of an experienced defense attorney. A good defense lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and work towards a favorable outcome for your case.

For more information about Arizona Felony DUI with Minor in the Car, visit Arizona Felony DUI with Minor in the Car ARS 28-1383.


Arizona Implements Tougher Sentencing for Fentanyl Dealers

Investigative Article

The Truth Behind Arizona’s Increased Prison Sentences for Fentanyl Dealers

Fentanyl, the extremely potent synthetic opioid, has been wreaking havoc across the United States. It has surpassed heroin as the deadliest drug in America, causing tens of thousands of overdose deaths every year. Recently, Arizona has passed a new law, the Ashely Dunn Act, that promises to increase the minimum prison sentence for fentanyl dealers. But what are the details of this new law, and will it have the intended effect of combatting the fentanyl crisis? Let’s investigate.

The Ashely Dunn Act

The Ashely Dunn Act is named after a 22-year-old Arizona resident who died of a fentanyl overdose in 2018. The law establishes a mandatory prison sentence for individuals convicted of selling, manufacturing, or transporting fentanyl. Specifically, the law sets the minimum sentence at 5 years for less than 4 grams of fentanyl, 10 years for 4 to 14 grams, and 15 years for 14 to 28 grams or more. The maximum sentence for any of these offenses is life in prison.

Arizona’s Sentencing Guidelines

How does Arizona’s new law compare to other states’ penalties for fentanyl offenses? The truth is, Arizona is actually late to the party in terms of cracking down on fentanyl dealers. Many other states have already passed similar laws or have established mandatory minimum sentences for fentanyl offenses under existing drug laws. Nevertheless, Arizona’s new law is a step in the right direction, as it enables law enforcement to go after fentanyl dealers more aggressively.

Defenses to Dealing Fentanyl

What about defendants who are caught dealing fentanyl? Do they have any defenses available to them? In general, there are two types of defenses: factual and legal. Factual defenses challenge whether the defendant actually committed the offense. For example, the defendant might argue that the drugs found on them were not fentanyl, or that they were not intending to sell them. Legal defenses, on the other hand, challenge the prosecution’s ability to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. For instance, the defendant might argue that the search and seizure conducted by the police was unlawful. These defenses can vary depending on the circumstances of the case and the specific laws of the jurisdiction.

Federal Defense Attorney Josh Kolsrud

If you are facing charges for a fentanyl offense, you need a skilled and experienced attorney who can help you navigate the complex legal system. Josh Kolsrud is a federal defense attorney who has helped numerous clients in cases involving drug offenses. He is familiar with the nuances of federal drug laws and has successfully fought cases at all stages of the legal process. With his help, you can mount a strong defense and ensure that your rights are protected.

The Bottom Line

Arizona’s new law, the Ashely Dunn Act, aims to increase the minimum prison sentence for individuals convicted of dealing fentanyl. While the law is a positive step toward addressing the fentanyl crisis, it is not a panacea. Many other states have already taken similar action, and it remains to be seen whether Arizona’s law will have a significant impact on the epidemic. If you are facing charges for a fentanyl offense, it is crucial that you seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney like Josh Kolsrud.


"Meet Alissa Warren: Attorney with a Background in Criminal Defense and Family Law"

Feature Article: "Alissa Warren: The Road to Becoming a Service-Connected Veteran and Attorney"

Alissa Warren's story is one of perseverance, hard work, and dedication. Born in a small farming town in Nebraska, Warren always knew she wanted to serve her country. After high school, Warren joined the U.S. Army, serving as a Military Police Officer in the 855 MP Company on Sunnyslope. Her service was cut short after a severe back injury left her permanently disabled, but Warren did not let this stop her. Instead, she used her experience and knowledge to pursue a career in law, eventually becoming a service-connected veteran and successful attorney.

Early Life and Military Service

Warren grew up in rural Nebraska, where she learned the value of hard work and dedication. Inspired by her father, who had served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War, Warren decided to join the military after high school. She enlisted in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Arizona, where she completed her basic training and military police training.

Injury and Recovery

During a training exercise in 1993, Warren suffered a severe back injury that ruptured two discs and caused permanent nerve damage. Doctors told her she would never be able to run, jump, or climb again and that her military career was over. Warren was devastated but refused to give up. She spent months in physical therapy and rehabilitation, determined to regain as much mobility as possible.

Transition to Law

After her injury, Warren was determined to find a new career that would allow her to use her knowledge and experience. She attended college and then law school, graduating with honors. She then began working as an attorney, specializing in criminal defense and family law.

Service-Connected Disability

Warren's injury was determined to be service-connected, meaning it was directly related to her military service. As a result, she is eligible for disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This compensation helps her manage the cost of her ongoing medical needs and allows her to focus on her career as an attorney.

Success as an Attorney

Today, Warren is a successful attorney, practicing law in the Phoenix area. She is known for her dedication to her clients and her commitment to justice. Warren is also active in the veteran community, serving as a mentor and advocate for other service members and veterans.

Personal Life

When she is not working as an attorney or advocating for veterans, Warren enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She is married with children and is an active member of her community.

The Importance of Service

Warren's story is a testament to the importance of service and dedication. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gave up on her dreams and used her experience and knowledge to pursue a successful career in law. Her commitment to justice and her dedication to helping others make her a true inspiration.

Alissa Warren: Attorney and Service-Connected Veteran

If you want to learn more about Alissa Warren and her career as an attorney, you can visit her page on the CHM Law website. Service-Connected Veteran and Successful Attorney-Alissa Warren


Prescription Drug DUI Under Arizona Law

Investigative Article: Is Arizona’s Prescription Drug DUI Law Just?

Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs and alcohol is a serious criminal offense in Arizona, punishable by hefty fines, license suspension, and jail time. However, what about prescription drugs? Is it fair for someone to be charged with DUI when they were using medication as directed by their doctor?

The Truth Behind Prescription Drug DUI Charges

While prescription drugs, when used properly, can help manage pain or treat medical conditions, they can also impair a person’s ability to drive safely. According to Arizona law, driving under the influence of any drug, including prescription and over-the-counter medications, that impairs a person’s ability to drive is a DUI offense. In other words, if someone is pulled over by law enforcement, and their driving is impaired, the investigating officer can arrest them for a DUI.

Penalties for prescription drug DUI are similar to penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs, including jail time, fines, and the possibility of license suspension. Furthermore, the fact that a driver had a valid prescription for the medication at the time of arrest is not a valid legal defense against the DUI charges.

The Role of Drug Recognition Experts

Drug recognition experts (DRE) are law enforcement officers trained to assess whether someone is impaired by a drug and, if so, what type of drug. A DRE’s evaluation includes physical assessments, blood pressure, and pulse rate checks, and a drug influence evaluation, which includes checking the suspect’s eye movement, balance, coordination, and reaction time. If a DRE suspects that someone is under the influence of a certain drug, they may request a blood or urine test to confirm their suspicion.

However, the question remains whether DRE evaluations can effectively determine whether someone is impaired by prescription drugs. Many prescription drugs, such as those used for pain relief, have side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness, which can mimic the symptoms of impairment. Additionally, some prescription drugs can remain in a person’s system long after their therapeutic effect has worn off, which can lead to false positive DUI charges.

Defenses to Prescription Drug DUI Charges

If you are facing prescription drug DUI charges in Arizona, there are some possible defenses that you can raise. For example, you can prove that your medication was being used as directed by your doctor, and you did not realize that it could impair your ability to drive. You can also argue that the investigating officer did not have reasonable suspicion to stop you or had no probable cause to arrest you for DUI. Finally, you could challenge the validity of the DRE evaluation or the blood or urine tests to show that they were unreliable or improperly performed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be charged with prescription drug DUI if I have a valid prescription?

Yes. Having a valid prescription for your medication does not exempt you from DUI charges if you were driving impaired at the time of your arrest.

How long can prescription drugs remain in my system?

The length of time that a drug stays in your system can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of drug, your body weight, and your metabolism. Some drugs can remain detectable in your blood or urine for up to a week or more after you take them.

Is it possible to have charges dismissed or reduced for prescription drug DUI?

Yes. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help you negotiate with the prosecutor for reduced charges or even dismissal of your case, depending on the facts and circumstances of your case.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys

At Kolsrud Law Offices, we understand how serious prescription drug DUI charges can be. Our attorneys have extensive experience defending clients against DUI charges, including prescription drug DUI charges. We know how to challenge the evidence against you, negotiate with the prosecutor, and protect your rights throughout the legal process. If you have been charged with prescription drug DUI in Arizona, contact us today for a free consultation.

Defenses, Law, Attorneys, Arizona-Prescription,Arizona



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